• Please use this form if you are a Provider, Support co-ordinator or a Plan Manager and you are referring a client to our service. This form is not a binding agreement, we will be in touch with you once we have reviewed your information to make sure our services will suit your clients’ needs.
  • It may take you 5-10 minutes to complete, but the more information you can give us the better we can tailor our services to help your client.

If you are an individual or a parent/guardian who is interested in using our services, please use our New Client Intake Form.

About You

If you are a participant, or a parent/guardian or carer who is helping a participant apply, please use our New Client Intake Form (Link at top of page).

About the Participant

About the Therapy

You can provide a copy of the participant's goals by emailing their NDIS Plan to us, or copy and paste the goals from their plan here.
Let us know more about the participants personal interests.
Let us know more about the participants strengths.
Let us know if there are areas of concerns (such as behaviours, safety etc) where the participant may need help and support when in the community, school or at home?
Who are they currently using for services such as Art Therapy, Positive Behaviour Practitioner, Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Exercise/Physio etc?
Who were they formerly using for services such as Art Therapy, Positive Behaviour Practitioner, Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Exercise/Physio etc?
Please provide details of any diagnosis, allergies or special medical needs that can assist us in understanding how we can support them with our services.
Please let us know what outcomes they are looking for from Illawarra Therapies services, how can we best support the participant?
Please let us know anything else that can help us support them.

Supporting Documents

To help us understand their needs and to prepare a support plan for the participant, we can use as much information as they're willing to share. If you have reports or plans that will help us prepare for communication, behaviour management and set clear goals for therapy outcomes, please upload the documents now, or email a copy of these through to info@illawarratherapies.com.au
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files.
Allowed file types: .doc, .docx, .pdf, .png, .jpg Maximum file size 20MB